Thursday, November 8, 2007

La paura e'...

Today at school, Jacob's class had to practice dictation. The teacher read a poem about fear and they had to write it down. Jacob did pretty well! As a follow-up assignment, there was the following written on the paper.

La paura e' _________.


Fear is __________.

How would you answer?


Anonymous said...

Spiders and darkness--not proud, but truthful!


Brian said...

Having to do a dictation in a foreign language.

alamedero said...

The absence of perfect love?

Jason Casey said...

good answers!

Johann said...

I once heard a quote saying "Courage is fear that has said it's prayers."
So I'd have to say Fear is courage without prayers.

PS You're dad is in my seminar teaching right now. But you knew that, since you just talked to him (he was talking about how easy it is to talk to people around the world in this technological age.)

Johann said...

(oops...just realized I put "You're". D'oh.)